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Bruegger’s Bagel: Launching a Product

Posted in: Communication, Communications Development and Evaluation, Food & Beverage, Product/Service Development/Viability, Qualitative Exploratory

Bruegger’s Bagel: Launching a Product

Challenge: Bruegger’s Bagel launched a new product in the Boston area as a precursor to roll-out in other markets.

Objective: Bruegger’s partnered with Plan-it to gain direction and insight for the optimal strategy to expand the new product outside the Boston area.

Solution: Plan-it conducted a Quantitative Evaluation via in-store intercept interviews among Bruegger’s customers, to understand reactions to the new product and triggers to purchase.

Result: Plan-it used learning from this study to provide messaging and communications strategies to generate trial of the new product and to recommend product flavors that would be most appealing to customers.